Prayer Points
- That ethnic groups in Burundi are united and honor God together.
- For forgiveness between ethnicities.
- That God will bless the work of missions agencies.
- That people will begin to understand that blessings are not only material goods.
- For those still suffering trauma and sadness in their hearts.

Central Africa, east of DRC
11 936 481 (2017 est.)
Catholic 62.1%
Protestant 23.9% (includes Adventist 2.3% and other Protestant 21.6%)
Muslim 2.5%
Other 3.6%
unspecified 7.9% (2008 est.)
526 372 (2017)
NA %
Sent: 170
Received: 1200
We Pray...
Father we pray for Burundi. We pray that her people will unite; that every ethnicity in Burundi will come together to honor Your name. Father, we pray for forgiveness between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnicities, that peace may reign in this land.
Thank you for the ministries that are making a huge difference in the country, Lord. We pray that You will bless their work and that they will produce a bountiful harvest to the glory of Your name.
We also bring the local Church before you Lord and ask that you will enable the pastors to preach Biblical truths. We pray that You will renew the minds of the people so that they can see that Your blessings are far more than just material goods.
We pray for those still suffering trauma and sadness in their hearts, that You will meet them in their sorrow and heal their brokenness. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
State of the Church
Although Burundi is considered more than 80% Christian, Islam has grown fast in the past few years. This creates a problem since few pastors have sufficient knowledge on Islam to effectively have dialogue with them. Another problem is that Christianity is many times mixed with traditional beliefs.
There has been little accounts of persecution in Burundi.
After serving less than 4 months in office, Burundi’s first democratically elected president, Melchoir Ndadaye, was assassinated. Some blamed people from the Tutsi tribe. Ndadaye - as well as the majority of the parliament - belonged to the Hutu tribe. This tension between the two ethnicities, resulted in an ethnic conflict which claimed about 300 000 lives.
In 1994 the parliament voted another Hutu, Mr. Ntaryamira, as president. Ntaryamira, together with the Rwandan president was shot down over Kigali. This sparked a never before seen a massacre in Rwanda, spilling over into Burundi where Tutsi’s started to kill refugee Hutu’s from Rwanda.
In 2001 most rebel groups agreed to a cease fire and, with the help of South Africa, Burundi had their first parliamentary elections four years later. The government then started the disarming of soldiers and former rebels.
Since then Burundi has become more stable.
Since then, it appears as though Burundi has stabilized somewhat. However, recently, signs of dictatorship have become evident. President Nkurunziza has approved laws in 2013 which forbids reporting on matters that could undermine security, public order or the economy. In March 2014 several people supporting the opposition were jailed for life after attending an illegal demonstration.
In 2015 he entered his third term. Many argue, two years later, that Burundi is slowly moving into a dangerous era of political censorship. Although, other say that the consistency of Pres. Nkurunziza will bring prosperity to the land.
More Resources:
- African Prayer Initiative: Pray Africa
- INcontext ministries –
- CIA World Factbook
- Atlas of Global Christianity – Todd M.Johnson & Kenneth R. Ross (Published by – Edinburgh University Press) (Missionaries and national workers: Africa 2010, page 267)
- Prayercast –
- Unreached people groups –
- The voice of the Martyrs –
- Jul-Dec, 2010 International Religious Freedom Report –
- Operation World –