Prayer Points
- For restoration, peace and healing after years of war and conflict.
- For the 800,000 displaced people who are forced to live in camps.
- For the dissolution of all rebel armies
- That God will preserve and protect the innocent children and that He will teach them His ways.
- For the reintegration of former child soldiers into their families and communities.
- That God will restore unity among the Ugandan church.
- That the Church and its leaders will be rooted in truth and unswayed by false teachings and cultural sins.

East-Central Africa, west of Kenya, east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
41 652 938 (2017 est.)
Protestant 45.1% (Anglican 32.0%, Pentecostal/Born Again/Evangelical 11.1%, Seventh Day Adventist 1.7%, Baptist .3%)
Roman Catholic 39.3%
Muslim 13.7%
Other 1.6%
None 0.2% (2014 est.)
13 023 114 (2017)
9,4 % (2013 est.)
Sent 560
Received 2500
Population if the city:
1 353 189
Urbanization Rate:
5.43% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)
Major religion in the city:
We Pray...
Lord, we want to pray for Uganda. First of all we pray for restoration, peace and healing after years of war and conflict. We pray for the 800,000 displaced people who are forced to live in camps amid difficult conditions. We also pray for peaceful resettlement of these people in the north of Uganda.
We pray for the dissolution of the LRA. Lord, we ask You to demonstrate Your sovereignty in this desperate situation. Father, we pray for the tens of thousands of children, fearing abduction, walking every night from their villages to the safety of larger towns. We ask, Lord, that You will preserve and protect the innocent and that You will teach them Your ways.
We also pray for the reintegration of former child soldiers into their families and communities.
Lord Jesus, we pray that you will restore unity among Your church in Uganda and that you will strengthen all the NGO’s and mission organizations serving the people of Uganda.
We pray also pray that the Church and its leaders will be rooted in truth and unswayed by false teachings and cultural sins. We pray this in Jesus Name. Amen.
State of the Church
Although Uganda is mostly Christian, there are areas where extremists are present. In these areas authorities add pressure by not assisting Christians properly, barring them from public office or denying them promotion. There has been a strong push by Muslim leaders to ensure that the majority of lawyers in Uganda are Muslims and have entrenched Islamic family courts (kadhi courts) in the constitution.
The Church is however growing and starting to work together to reach these areas. One of the biggest needs is training resources which could aid pastors’ understanding of the Bible, and train them on how to approach Muslims.
Jinja in Uganda is believed by many to be the source of the Nile river. This is quite prophetic as this river gives live to more than 3 countries where the river passes through. One could reason that Uganda is the life giver to North East Africa.
In contrast to the believed prophetic calling on Uganda the reality proves otherwise. For years this country has been faced with conflict.
Many explorers passed through Uganda in search of the source of the Nile - a craze which captured Europe’s imagination. The influx of Christian explorers led to many Ugandans coming to Christ and turning against their traditional beliefs resulting in “Martyrs day” which is remembered on June 3 when many of the Buganda tribe was killed for their steadfast Christian faith.
Skipping forward to Independence in the 1970’s and further on in the 1980’s, we saw two of the most ruthless dictators ruling Uganda - Idi Amin, who was responsible for more than 300 000 deaths and Milton Obote who also claimed another 100 000 lives.
Moderate peace was achieved in 1986 when Yoweri Museveni came to power. He introduced democratic reforms and improved human rights in Uganda.
In 2014 Uganda gained international attention for its harsh anti-homosexual attitudes, culminating in anti-gay legislation. Uganda is a mineral rich country. They rely heavily on their oil and coffee exports.
More Resources:
- Regional Prayer Initiative: Pray4sea
- African Prayer Initiative: Pray Africa
- INcontext ministries –
- CIA World Factbook
- Atlas of Global Christianity – Todd M.Johnson & Kenneth R. Ross (Published by – Edinburgh University Press) (Missionaries and national workers: Africa 2010, page 267)
- Prayercast –
- Unreached people groups –
- The voice of the Martyrs –
- Jul-Dec, 2010 International Religious Freedom Report –
- Operation World –